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RH +50 is a non-profitable Association seeking to mobilize, bring together and foster cooperation between those who are employed, unemployed or retired, with professional experience in different areas, for the purpose of sharing amongst themselves and with the younger population their past professional and life experiences, their knowledge, values, stories, investigations, ideas and synergies.



The fierce competitiveness in the world today and the constant technological breakthroughs have inevitably placed in second place those “over 50”, disregarding the knowledge and rich experiences gathered over the years, in favour of the younger generation.However it is undeniable the impact these “over 50” have on its society and its economy.


* Raise the awareness of the importance of this age group in the construction of the future of the younger generations.

* Greater solidarity between generations through the sharing of experiences and knowledge.

* Enhancement of passed professional experiences sharing them with others.

* Promote the companies that do not impose age barriers.

* Help people to work longer, encouraging them not to retire too early.